Tag: wine

Podcast, Trends

EP 50 – Eat This: Top 5 Episodes

Can you believe that this is the 50th episode of EAT THIS with Lianne? I sure can’t.  From where we started about 18 months ago, this podcast has evolved, pivoted and dare I say, grown over the past year and I guess the pivot is really to do with the crazy times that we’ve been living in for the nine months. Out of the fifty past episodes, twelve were recorded in person in the NewsTalk1010 […]

Blog, Trends

Is it Wine O’Clock Yet?

Do you find yourself longing for that glass of wine at the end of the day to soothe the days stresses and challenges? I see a bunch of hands up. Does your social life revolve around meeting friends in bars after work or on weekends? Around the holidays and celebrations of any kind, I see alcohol consumption increases and it can be tough not to create a habit of regular and even daily consumption. It […]

Blog, Online, Radio, Trends

Could what you add to your coffee be a health buzz-kill?

How do you take your coffee? With milk, cream, bulletproof style with MCT or coconut oil and butter or ghee? While there continues to be what feels like weekly studies saying that coffee is healthy and then not, what you add to your coffee could be the heath clincher. There are some foods whose healthful benefits are constantly debated. They include coffee, chocolate, tea and red wine. Let’s talk about their positive health aspects for […]