Tag: vagus nerve

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 88 – Eat This: The Vagus Nerve – Part 2

The Vagus Nerve – why are we talking about this and not now to navigate Las Vegas with good food and drink? Well, because I want to introduce you to what I believe you need to know more about, to take control of your health. All too often I see clients who don’t realize that they can feel better and what they’ve been dealing with healthwise that’s slowing them down, causing pain or not allowing them […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 86 – Eat This: The Vagus Nerve

Despite my willingness to always be learning something new, there are times when I need to hear something, or be hit over the head with it a few times before I get into it. Well that has happened over the past few months. In speaking with someone about the mental health challenges that one of my daughters has been having over the past year, the term Polyvagal Theory came up. It was suggested to look […]