Tag: sugar

Blog, Podcast, Recipes

Dr. B’s Hot Toddy

While I don’t usually recommend drinking alcohol when you’re sick, this hot toddy recipe takes a wee dram of whisky to another level. As Dr. B explained in Episode 10 of EAT THIS with Lianne, the effect of his hot toddy recipe is that it’s a vasodilator and that helps those aches and pains that you’re feeling if you’re sick. The pain in your body, the soreness in your throat, achey back or legs, maybe […]

Food, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 8 – Eat This: Living The Sugar-less Dream

In episode 7, I did a deep dive into all about sugar, why we LOVE it, why we crave it and why you’d want to do better. This week, I thought we’d hear from someone who has been living a sugar-free lifestyle for 8 YEARS!! Is he crazy, has he lost his mind? Let’s find out. Barry Friedman is a 4-time World Juggling Champion, who has appeared on over 200 local, national, and international television […]

Energy, Food, Podcast, Weight Loss

EP 7 – Eat This: Is Sugar Evil?

Are you an addicted, got-to-have-it kinda person when it comes to sugary and sweet foods? Do you look at others who bypass the chocolates, donuts, and cakes wondering how on earth they don’t stop and stuff their face, because that’s just what you want to do? As humans, don’t we have this innate need for sugar? In This episode… we discuss SUGAR and how there is a disconnect between what the brain knows and what […]