Tag: stress

Blog, Podcast

EP 153 – Eat This: The benefits of hot, cold from saunas and cold plunge therapy 

Ever taken a sauna or a cool dip or shot in the shower? Well, the hot, cold, hot, cold, hot, cold, or in Chris’s case, hot, hot, hot only, could be the least intense activity that could improve your health and prolong your life?! Spending time in a sauna or a minute or three in a cold shower or plunge, heat therapy, and/or cold therapy is known as contrast therapy, is on trend right now, […]

Blog, Energy, health, Podcast

EP 150 – Eat This: Prioritizing Sleep

To eat well is to sleep well. To sleep well is to eat well. The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. Research has shown it over and over again, and yet it’s not talked about. As you’re here, you are interested in health and with a podcast and show titled EAT THIS, you’ll quite rightly expect to hear all about food, but let me tell you, not including sleep in the health conversation would […]

Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 130 – Eat This: How to cope during stressful times

Since the last time that we talked, I’ve had a few weeks off and made some space for myself. Mmmm time off to do nothing… sounds lovely, doesn’t it? Did you just imagine long walks on the beach, flipping through magazines, reading books, being served tea from a cup and saucer, and a shaken martini at dusk, dahling? Yea, I wish. Not only can our perception and expectation of what life ‘should’ look so far […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 72 – Eat This: Burnout – Adrenal Failure

We talk about stress like it’s a fact of life these days, and unless you’re living on a desert island with someone fanning you all day, bringing you food and drinks with umbrellas, you’re likely experiencing stress on a daily basis. What happens when it goes on and on and becomes chronic and you just can’t get off the stress merry-go-round? Burnout happens, that’s what. Does that mean that you can’t get out of bed […]

Blog, Energy, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 60 – Eat This: All About Menopause

Menopause, and a more common term that you’ll hear these days – perimenopause – sum up what’s dauntingly known as “the change” in a woman’s life. It typically happens anywhere from her forties onwards – for some even earlier, and for some it comes later. I think it’s a bit like breastfeeding in that this is supposed to be a natural part of life, but “natural” doesn’t speak to how uncomfortable, difficult and painful it […]

Blog, Energy, Hydration, Podcast

EP 58 – Eat This: What’s not to love about tea?

Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world – next to water, that is. Answer this: if you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I’d likely say water, but I might get bored of it, so I’ll agree with some of the great functional medicine docs out there and say tea. Tea can vary the taste of what’s in your cup but with some […]

Mood, Podcast, Technology, Trends

EP 54 – Eat This: Demystifying CBD and Your Health

Could we have a magic natural remedy in our midst? Well, the benefits of the distinct five leaf marijuana plant are not new – some say it’s been used since 750 BC in various ways. But the health benefits of CBD in particular are becoming more well known as research unfolds around what looks like magical powers for this non-psychoactive component of the marijuana or hemp plant. Sure, the uses of marijuana have been around […]

Food, Podcast, Trends

EP 49 – Eat This: For the Love of Chocolate

Chocolate is called the “Food of the Gods”, which could be interpreted in about 100 ways, with all schools of thoughts ending up thinking that chocolate is good for you. But then there’s the “don’t have too much” narrative that really dominates conversations about chocolate. The taunt of marketing that says “bet you can’t just have one”… Wait maybe that’s for chips. Whoops, I’ve just swiped another’s tagline, but you get what I mean, right? […]