Tag: probiotics

Blog, Podcast

EP 199: Dr. B is Back in the House (Vol 10) Feel Good Hormones! 

You know those days when you’re feeling on top of the world, motivated, focused, and just… float through the day? And then there are those other days when you’re dragging yourself through life, feeling like you’re swimming upstream or walking through a river of molasses. Well, your brain chemicals called neurotransmitters could be more at play here than we fully understand.  Today, we’re getting into the juicy science of two particular neurotransmitters that could be […]

Blog, Podcast

EP 197: Dr. B is Back in the House! (Vol 9)

Back in May, I expressed my heartfelt gratitude to you, our Lovely Loyal Listeners (LLLs), as I made the difficult decision to close my store on SproutRight.com and discontinue selling the Take This by Lianne supplements. Your incredibly supportive messages have been a source of strength, and many of you have reached out with questions for the next episode of “Dr. B in the House.” For those of you tuning in for the first time, […]

Blog, Podcast

EP 190 – Dr “B” In the House!

In the latest episode of the “EAT THIS with Lianne” podcast, we dive into an enlightening conversation with Dr. Davis Brockenshire, a renowned functional medicine expert from Innovative Health Solutions in Michigan. Known affectionately as Dr. B, he has become a fan favorite for his insightful contributions across more than 30 episodes. Dr. B’s unique approach to diagnosing and sharing knowledge has resonated deeply with our listeners, sparking a continuous flow of questions from you […]

Blog, Podcast

EP 187 – Rounding Out 2023: Set Yourself Up For Success in 2024

Welcome to a special edition of “EAT THIS with Lianne,” where we bid farewell to 2023 and set our sights on a prosperous 2024. This past year has been an exhilarating ride – a blend of rapid change, profound learning, and self-discovery. As we reflect on the wealth of information shared, I’m often taken aback by the depth of knowledge in our episodes. Sometimes, I find myself wondering, “Who is this knowledgeable person?” only to […]

Blog, Podcast

EP 64 – Eat This: Anti-Aging

When you hear anti-aging, what image pops into your mind? A smooth, youthful, face with no wrinkles? A person and body without disease? A sound and clear mind without dementia? No aches and pains either as you get out of bed or during the day? Or how about anti-aging meaning that you live a vibrant, healthy and energy filled life for as long as you live? The perspective of what anti-aging means is unique to […]

Energy, Family Nutrition, Mood, Podcast

EP 45 – Eat This: Probiotics and the Microbiome

Did you know that you’re more bacteria than human? It’s an odd thing to think about. Well it likely wouldn’t have popped into your mind as your next thought right?! And really it’s kind of ewwww at the same time. Can you believe that we are outnumbered ten-to-one, bacteria to human cells. And we live together in harmony, most of the time. This incredible abundance of bacteria has profound impacts on our body’s physiology. Everything […]

Blog, Podcast, Recipes

Dr. B’s Hot Toddy

While I don’t usually recommend drinking alcohol when you’re sick, this hot toddy recipe takes a wee dram of whisky to another level. As Dr. B explained in Episode 10 of EAT THIS with Lianne, the effect of his hot toddy recipe is that it’s a vasodilator and that helps those aches and pains that you’re feeling if you’re sick. The pain in your body, the soreness in your throat, achey back or legs, maybe […]

Blog, Diets, Radio

Is there a Brewery in your Belly? You might have Auto-Brewery Syndrome

Auto-brewery syndrome, or gut fermentation syndrome, is a rare condition in which fungi in the gut rapidly convert carbohydrates into alcohol. Yes, your gut is acting as a brewery. But how? More on that shortly.  While people who have auto-brewery syndrome may have high blood alcohol levels after ingesting a small quantity of alcohol or even no alcohol at all so it can cause the same physical and psychological symptoms that occur when a person […]