Tag: exercise

Blog, Podcast

EP 196: Health From the Feet Up with Steven Sashen

When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes? Did you think about your feet and how much room they’d have to spread out or how much the muscles in your feet would work to move you? I’d hazard a guess that the focus was how they looked first, how they felt, the blister potential, and the price was somewhere woven in there too. And what about running shoes? The last time I […]

Blog, Podcast

EP 171 – The True Benefits of Isometric Exercise with Brad Thorpe

Welcome back, fitness enthusiasts and loyal listeners of the EAT THIS with Lianne podcast! In today’s episode, we dive deep into the world of Isometric Exercise – a stationary yet intense form of exercise that’s been making waves in the fitness realm. Any form of movement can be a mood booster. The age-old battle of “should I work out now, later, or maybe tomorrow?” is something most of us grapple with. But believe me, you’ll […]