Tag: chocolate

Blog, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

Ep 92 – Eat This: The good and the scary of chocolate

It’s a scary time of year as Halloween approaches, and when I say scary, I’m not just talking about the goules and dressed up scary clowns, I’m talking about the sugar overload that’s unleashed at this time of year, that often continues right through to the January resolutions of eating better, ditching the sugar and hitting the gym. And yes, it’s the end of October, but whenever you are listening to this episode, my nutritionist […]

Podcast, Trends

EP 50 – Eat This: Top 5 Episodes

Can you believe that this is the 50th episode of EAT THIS with Lianne? I sure can’t.  From where we started about 18 months ago, this podcast has evolved, pivoted and dare I say, grown over the past year and I guess the pivot is really to do with the crazy times that we’ve been living in for the nine months. Out of the fifty past episodes, twelve were recorded in person in the NewsTalk1010 […]

Food, Podcast, Trends

EP 49 – Eat This: For the Love of Chocolate

Chocolate is called the “Food of the Gods”, which could be interpreted in about 100 ways, with all schools of thoughts ending up thinking that chocolate is good for you. But then there’s the “don’t have too much” narrative that really dominates conversations about chocolate. The taunt of marketing that says “bet you can’t just have one”… Wait maybe that’s for chips. Whoops, I’ve just swiped another’s tagline, but you get what I mean, right? […]

Blog, Online, Radio, Trends

Could what you add to your coffee be a health buzz-kill?

How do you take your coffee? With milk, cream, bulletproof style with MCT or coconut oil and butter or ghee? While there continues to be what feels like weekly studies saying that coffee is healthy and then not, what you add to your coffee could be the heath clincher. There are some foods whose healthful benefits are constantly debated. They include coffee, chocolate, tea and red wine. Let’s talk about their positive health aspects for […]