EP 196: Health From the Feet Up with Steven Sashen

When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes?

Did you think about your feet and how much room they’d have to spread out or how much the muscles in your feet would work to move you? I’d hazard a guess that the focus was how they looked first, how they felt, the blister potential, and the price was somewhere woven in there too. And what about running shoes? The last time I bought a pair of running shoes (although I don’t run like I used to these days), I found myself in a sea of levels of cushioning and shoes that almost did the walking for me with the slope towards the front of the shoe.

These days, the soles are getting thicker and wider, and in some cases, they look like the wearer could literally walk on water with them as they resemble pontoon boats! While I’ve heard of the immense benefits of barefoot shoes from people I trust, I have yet to take the plunge. I’m not sure what’s holding me back. So today, my interview with Steven Sashen, the co-founder of Xero Shoes (spelled with an X), will hopefully answer enough of my questions. I’d like to gain some of the health benefits I’ve heard about, like improved body posture and balance, more calories burnt while exercising, developing a more natural gait, and greater ankle and foot movement. My sister has had plantar fasciitis, and bunions and hammertoes run in my family. I wonder, could these shoes help with these issues?

Today on EAT THIS with Lianne, I discuss barefoot shoes with Steven Sashen, a visionary and marketer for Xero Shoes. He is a Masters All-American sprinter (one of the fastest men over the age of 60 in the US) and a former All-American gymnast. He was also a professional stand-up comic, cognitive psychology researcher, and teacher of Tai Chi and Zen Archery.

The Benefits of Barefoot Shoes

  • Stronger feet: By allowing your feet to move and function naturally with less padding, barefoot shoes activate more muscles in your feet and ankles. This strengthens your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
  • Better balance: Barefoot footwear is wide to let your toes spread naturally and thin to let you feel the ground beneath you. Alongside stronger feet, this improves your balance and stability.
  • More skillful movement: Increased sensory feedback can help improve your proprioception or spatial awareness. This lets you move more skillfully while exercising, adventuring, or living day-to-day.
  • Improved posture: Wearing barefoot shoes encourages a more natural walking and standing posture. Better biomechanics can alleviate strain on your joints and muscles in your lower body.
  • Fewer injuries and health problems: All of the benefits above reduce the risk of injuries through trips, risky techniques, or weakened feet. Combined with wide footwear that doesn’t crush your feet, they also reduce the risk of foot conditions associated with traditional footwear.

Questions Explored in the Episode:

  • Let’s start from the beginning… what are barefoot shoes?
  • How can wearing barefoot shoes in your everyday life improve your health?
  • What is the number one thing you hear from people when you talk to them about barefoot shoes?
  • How did you end up in the shoe game?
  • How bad are my favorite Converse for my feet, and what are they doing to my body?
  • What about the lack of heel cushioning? Don’t we need the support or cushioning? Is it harming us?
  • I recall going to New Balance, standing on their foot analyzer, and staying there. I needed a stabilizing shoe for running. Is my shoe and the way I heel strike going to affect my knees, hips, trunk, and shoulders?
  • What about the everyday wearer, someone who isn’t hiking or running?
  • Are these shoes the kind that once you make the switch, you can’t go back to your heels or dress shoes for the chaps listening?
  • Does it take a while to build up the muscles in your feet? Will listeners benefit from less knee or hip pain, or is it more localized to the feet?

Alright, so let’s all start looking at our feet differently, shall we? After what Steven shared, I’m game. Who is joining me?

I’ve had my eye on their white classic Dillon sneaker, and our conversation has confirmed I can’t stay on the fence any longer! I might even try out a pair of sandals. Let’s see who’s in… go to XeroShoes.com/go/EATTHIS. What will you try? It’s hard to choose, though! I’ll share what I decide on, and you, my lovely loyal listeners, please let me know if you take the plunge too. I’m curious to hear.

Send me a message through liannephilipson.com or find me on social media.

Thanks for being here, thanks for listening and sharing. I’m always so grateful. Looking forward to our next conversation and in the meantime, please remember to EAT THIS one mouthful at a time.

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