Yes there’s HIIT, Zumba, Spinning, Barre, bootcamp, crossfit, boxing, rowing, cycling, gyming on your own or with a personal trainer, weight lifting with heavy weights and low reps, or high with reps with low weights, there’s pilates, yoga of which there’s bikram or hot yoga, ashtanga, hybrids and just about anything else that falls under the umbrella of movement and fitness. Oh walking, did I say walking and going for a run. Duh. Walking became the movement of covid with people blasting through their 10,000 steps before lunch. As you get up and decide how to move your body, or how to start, finding what’s a good fit for you and the best for you can lead to success that can touch on every part of you. But why move? You hopefully know that you can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet and that soda that you just cracked open – if you look at the theory of calories in and calorie output, it’ll take a 4 and a half miles or an hour of regular paced walking to burn that off. That supersized meal that you have been thinking about treating yourself to, that would take running a marathon to burn that off. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound so appealing does it? I know many people who work out so they can eat and drink what they want without restriction. I’d like to suggest a reframe on that – exercise so your body and mind work better. Your mind gets that rush of endorphins like the runner’s high, or your nervous system gets the balance for the parasympathetic side, and your help your vagal tone as Dr Brockenshire explained in episode 86. Exercise does give energy, improves focus, mood, sleep and does help control appetite and all the while helps to prevent diabetes, cancer, heart disese, help your bones stay strong, and help your immune system work better and if that’s not enough it helps curb the aging process and help you look and feel younger. Does that sound like the magic bullet or pill that you’ve been looking for? Yea, bring it on. So today on EAT THIS with Lianne the fifth episode in the #BeIntentional series all about movement. What’s the best for YOU and how to get yourself to actually do it.
Moving for 20 minutes a day is said to be the minimum and combining with something higher intensity to stimulate a couple of times a week was recommended by Dave Aspray on a post that I saw and I did think that it sounded my speed.
Yoga is my thing and it took me YEARS to get here. I would run, use weights, I boxed and tried to do all the hard things for such a long time and I’m not motivated to do any of it anymore. I don’t feel as strong as I would like, but intentionally I do yoga every day. Yoga with Adrienne is my go-to and I just do the free versions on YouTube. I’m still working through the 30 day MOVE list and adored the 30 day BREATHE series last year. My mental health needs it as much as my body. My nervous system needs it but I know that my muscles need to work more. Recently I was introduced to an isometric strength training system and I’m going to look into that more, and even set up an interview with an Olympic athlete and the inventor to find out more, but isometric training is a contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint. Could that help your sore shoulder, hip or knee? Yes, quite possibly. So we will find out more there. IN the mean time, let’s welcome back personal trainer and health coach, Samantha Montpetit-Huynh is the mother of two beautiful girls and the founder of SamCoreTrainer where she coaches women 40+ with the most comprehensive online health management program available online.
Samantha is a serial entrepreneur, speaker, teacher, mentor, course creator and author. Samantha is a resident fitness expert on the Marilyn Denis Show.
Samantha has been a recognized expert in her field for 2 decades and was the winner of The Abundance Awards, 2019 Personal Trainer of the Year and CanfitPro’s 2021, Specialty Presenter of the Year Award.
There are ways to find out your fitness level like VO2 max – a measure of your fitness level and tells you how much oxygen you can burn per minute or what your aura ring will tell you about your heart rate variability and just how stressed you are – and we will get into that in another episode more, but knowing that you have a certain level of fitness can help you be more intentional about movement.
If that workout or more structure isn’t your thing how about play – go for a bike ride, dance, play basketball or meet up with a friend for a brisk walk if going on your own isn’t happening. Accountability helps too.
You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet, so stick with it, you can do this and if there’s one thing that you can take away is that being intentional with your movement will only benefit you on so very many levels, so add this as a layer to all that we’ve talked about so far in episode 101 about DNA testing, getting out of your own way in episode 102, how to read more into your blood test with Dr B in episode 103, how to support your mental health with my daughter sharing her journey in episode 104 and now talking movement in this episode. There’s more to come, but you’ve got so much to inspire you and think differently about how you can #beintentional with your health.

Samantha Montpetit-Huynh, CPTN-PT, PFS, NWS, Pfilates,RAB
“Stop feeling trapped in your body and learn to love your body again.”
Online Health Management Coach
Founder of the Strong Body Strong Core Academy
Fitness Expert on the Marilyn Denis Show.
Watch my latest segment here.
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