EP 151 – Eat This: Listening To Yourself

With all the diets, the ways of eating, the endless aisles of food s to follow, and suggestions for time restriction, how do you know what will work for you? You try it, go through these feelings of deprivation, those mental and physical withdrawal symptoms of some kind depending on what you are trying, but push through despite the doubt or wonder that if what had your friend lose weight, or the looking five years younger will happen for you too. A couple of things happened this past week that got me thinking, well, wondering, that ended up inspiring this episode and inviting my guest to share her expertise with us. My first aha was how low I felt after scrolling through social media one day. Rather than feeling inspired, I shut down. It was a particular post that showed a trusted voice in the health realm, having IV therapy to clean his blood to live a long and healthy life. My trigger from that was that here is yet another thing to do. There is SO much information thrown out at us, and yes, while I follow many health experts, this overwhelmed me and left me asking at what point what we do, the efforts we make, is enough.

I realize that there are days when being overwhelmed happens and others when the curated meal posted can be just what you need for inspiration; at that moment, I found it interesting to observe that I felt burnt out by yet another recommendation. That got me wondering how what we talk about here lands for you – understanding that it can be triggering and, on the flip side, inspiring. Can all this information leave you feeling like you’re not measuring up and that there’s this image of perfection that just isn’t real because what works for one person could truly be so wrong for someone else? Yes, there are the genetic tests that I’ve talked about to know your body better, and the glucose monitor that I’m using to see how my body responds, but what if listening to ourselves, to our heart after taking in information from podcasts like this, and filtering it through YOUR heart, where could you end up? So today on EAT THiS with Lianne, let’s listen to YOU. With ALL that is out there, all that is available literally at your fingertips, how do you cut through it all and hear what you truly need? 

There is noise everywhere. In particular, social media and its influence can have us lost in the algorithms pushing decisions that are made for you, I’m sure you’ve experienced that. Maybe you’ve given over to a recommendation despite it not feeling quite right for you? Like if you did a gut check, you knew it wouldn’t work but you tried anyway. Admirable for stepping outside your comfort zone, but I think that there’s a missing piece here. What I want to know is how to listen to ourselves. Listen in and hear so that following a meal plan or making a change comes from a place of inspiration rather than desperation. I realize that changes have to happen, whether it’s shedding a few pounds, or that you need a bit more energy, to clear your brain to be more productive, but if there is a way to tap into your inner wisdom, wouldn’t that be preferable to what someone on social media thinks is the right transformation for you? 

What we see are all these individuals and them living out their best life, projecting onto us, and while it looks like they have the best thing going on that you want a piece of, that curated end goal takes a whole bunch of steps to get there. So what are your steps and what if you have all you need inside already? I’ve heard this concept mentioned many times in talking with my guest today. 

Diet has become toxic and seemingly in a polarized place, and I am mindful of not feeding into that polarization. In episodes 28 and 29 we talk about intuitive eating which had been talked about much more then. 

The idea of getting to eat something amazing today is exciting for some, but only for some. The journey of finding the best fuel for ourselves is challenging with the plethora of choices that are out there to totally confuse us. Food science is constantly updating the recommendations and when the FDA in the US finally says that all your favorite breakfast cereals aren’t healthy anymore, you can feel validated having known this for a while now despite the bus stop advertising graphic you drove past this morning. 

Jasmine Chomsky is a sought-after registered psychotherapist. In addition to her own journey, she has a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master’s Degree in Psychology. Jasmine has explored different modalities, carefully crafting her style to become a truly holistic way of treating her clients. She studied cognitive-behavioral therapy, Imago therapy, Equine therapy, mindfulness, meditation, and even spiritual and metaphysical approaches. I’m grateful to call Jasmine a soul sister of mine and she was the first person that I thought of to have this conversation with. Welcome, Jasmine. 

Questions posed to Jasmine:

  • How do you cut through the noise of all that comes at us every day, and make a choice from the heart – not what someone else impresses upon you? 
  • Let’s talk about ways to hear your inner self, and what you really need at any given moment. Are they the whispers or are we looking for signs from billboards like when you’re driving home and see the pizza or burger and think that the drive-thru is what your body needs? 
  • There seems to be a negative connotation of being satisfied. We always want more, and more and in need to follow the latest trend, how do you find peace from where you are at? 
  • Talk about being uncomfortable at times, say when you have a greater goal in mind or saying no to something despite it being hard for a greater outcome. Like working out so you have a better reaction time and save yourself from falls or accidents but you just don’t want to. Where does that oomph come from to get it done? 

Jasmine’s suggestion of creating a pause before acting was a breath of fresh air and actually had me take a deep breath and exhale a lot of stress. 

What did you find most helpful? 

For more information about Jasmine, check out her site https://jasminechomski.com/


  1. Hi Jasmine,
    I read an article in a newspaper,” Farm View,” presented by Cathy Hamill-Hill, re Equine Therapy.
    Vista Trails Youth Addiction Treatment Centre, presently in the Start-up stage is intent on
    initiating a Research Component in it’s Program, to explore the effectiveness of combining
    Equine assisted Therapy with mainstream substance abuse treatment modalities , to determine the validity of this approach, in Youth Substance Treatment. Please respond so we
    can discuss this.
    Grafton Pinheiro
    Phone # 519-538-5872

  2. Hi Jasmine,
    I read an article in a newspaper,” Farm View,” presented by Cathy Hamill-Hill, re Equine Therapy.
    Vista Trails Youth Addiction Treatment Centre, presently in the Start-up stage is intent on
    initiating a Research Component in it’s Program, to explore the effectiveness of combining
    Equine assisted Therapy with mainstream substance abuse treatment modalities , to determine the validity of this approach, in Youth Substance Treatment. Please respond so we
    can discuss this.
    Grafton Pinheiro
    Phone # 519-538-5872

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