EP 96 – Eat This: All about babies

Not our usual age group on this podcast this week, but before your switch off and hit skip, we are now in the era babies are being born after our lives went from hustle and bustle, off to work, dinners, drinks and frantic schedules to STAY HOME. Well, for many couples and historically like times of quiet like the blackout of 2003 for instance, couples found themselves with more time on their hands to reconnect and, well what can come from more alone time? Babies.

It’s quite likely that you know of someone who has had a baby in the last little while and, if it’s not you, then you’re a few degrees from someone who has. This topic came from Chris – as his cousin has recently had a baby and it reminded him of the umpteen questions that happen once a new human comes into the world, and parents are overwhelmed, scared, and totally unprepared with all the answers to those questions. It’s a mind blowing time of life, and a steep learning curve that changes life in ways we couldn’t know before hand. As this is an area of health that I have focused on for a large part of my career, I thought an episode for the new parents out there, as well as for those who surround them, would be a great way to get up-to-date with some of the most important, and not often shared, information that I believe people need to know. What’s the saying? If I had a dime for every time… I’ve heard it over and over again, from parents – WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TELL ME THIS BEFORE? Yep, information surrounding babies is fairly standard, and all too often parents feel they need MORE knowledge and answers as to why their baby is crying non stop for four hours every day, or why the consistent ear infections just won’t let up, even after the 3rd round of antibiotics. Then there’s confusion around starting solid food, what to give, and not give … I could go on, but to say that I’ve written two books around this topic shows you that there is a LOT to talk about.

So today on EAT THIS with Lianne – all about babies and how to to positively influence their health so they end up healthier than us.

That melting moment when you see a newborn, have their tiny little hand grab your finger, and all you can do is marvel at the fact that this new human; all those cells came together and created a brain, a body with bones, skull and a spine, all those internal organs, including a bladder so he can pee on you, that soft and sweetest smelling skin, those minute fingernails, tufts or head full of hair. Then there’s the lungs to breathe and let out that cry that will halt you in your tracks. It’s all a miracle, isn’t it? And once that baby is in your arms and you look down marveling at what they will become and who they will be one day, you realize that they are your sole responsibility and you need to do all you can to keep them healthy, fed and happy. Yep, welcome to the responsibility of parenthood. 

One of those massive responsibilities is to feed ‘em. Seems easy in the beginning; it’s breastmilk or formula. But then when she becomes fussy, colicy, has gas that keeps him, and you up at night, there are skin reactions, stinky poo and skin rashes, it’s time to start asking questions. 

I’m going to share some of the most impactful information that I’ve shared with thousands in the past, and even if you don’t have a baby, what I share might answer some questions about your kids that you never quite resolved. From gut health, to immunity, to food sensitivities and allergies, and of course what to feed them at different stages. That’s what’s coming up.

Ok let’s start with labour and delivery, because that’s foundational and impacts the trajectory of health more than it’s given credit for. As Dr B said in episode 94 about genetics, how stressed mom is during pregnancy has an impact on the baby. I broke my wrist when I was 5 months pregnant and the pain that I was in was off the charts. But I couldn’t have pain killers so my adrenals were pretty fried after all that. I’ve always wondered how that impacted on my eldest. 

When babies are born, their immune system is switched on by taking on either moms microbiome as they are born vaginally, or as they hit the bacteria filled room at the hospital. There’s more about what exactly happens in my books Sprout Right – Nutrition from Tummy to toddler and Sprout Right Family Food, but this is a crucial situation that happens right here. Babies that are born by cesarean section have a different microbiome or gut bugs to those born vaginally. This is where infant probiotics, especially for c-section babies, is crucial. Often if c-section is scheduled, the baby is born, and they don’t know it. The trauma, squishing and cascade of hormones that happen during labour, even if that goes to c-section, alerts mom’s body to produce milk; or first it’s colostrum which is like immune gold, then at about day 3 or so, milk comes in. For some babies, they don’t know they’re born yet after a c-section, so it’s harder to get them to breastfeed and formula is introduced fairly swiftly. I don’t have a study to verify this, but in my over 20 years of experience, supporting thousands of new parents, I have seen that babies who have formula in the first 24 hours after birth, have issues with dairy moving forward. Babies who are born by c-section and have formula seem to have more issues. I’m saying this not to lead to anyone feeling guilty, but so that you can do something about it and piece the puzzle together of why your baby is so uncomfortable when mom drinks milk, eats cheese, or consumes diary, or why a formula fed baby has to go through a whole list of formulas and end up with a goat’s milk version or buy it at a heftier price as it has come from the UK or Germany. By the way I’m talking about Nanny Goat Milk or Nanny Care formula, Holle or Hipp Organic. 

What does that mean? That parents are playing catch up after the fact. There are times that it can’t be helped, and if this is you, get on it with the probiotics asap. I have Genestra’s HMF Baby B and Baby F on sproutright.com, so do check that out as the research behind it showed a 50% reduction in allergies in babies who took Baby B versus those who took a placebo in a double blind controlled trial. There is NOTHING else that can impact immunity and the potential for allergy that I’m aware of, so that needs to be given as soon as possible, and no it’s never too late. 

Next is what a breastfeeding mom needs to eat and take supplement wise. Remember that your body has just made another human, so yes, it’s time to supplement. Breastfeeding mom needs an extra 500 calories a day to keep up with breast milk demands once baby arrives. That could look like 2 tablespoons/30 mL of hummus with carrot sticks, about 20 almonds or cashews, and a 1¾-ounce/50 g piece of cheese). That helps breast milk production without leaving you zapped of energy. I hear your concerns about eating more while wanting to lose the weight gained during pregnancy, but trust me, you’ll still lose weight if you stick to that number. She also needs high levels of DHA for her pregnancy and mommy brain. You know how many times I’ve talked about the importance of essential fats on mood, memory, concentration, right? Well the sleep deprivation that comes with being a new parent, on top of baby nabbing a large amount of mom’s DHA for the development of the retina of the eye and brain (the retina is brain tissue by the way – fun fact that I learned about 5 years ago), so unless you plan to eat 3lbs of fish a day, then get my Take This by Lianne Omega Boost into you. If you’re vegetarian, then it’ll take handfuls of vegetarian source DHA, but it can be done. You MUST take a probiotic for your immunity and gut health, and include zinc, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin C for wound healing. My usual prescription from my line is Adult Boost, Cell Mins, Omega Boost, Sunshine D3+K2 and Bio Boost. Add in the Magnesium Bis Glycinate too. Other than this, you need to EAT! Get family to bring over meals, have good snacks further to two bite brownies on hand, and know that making another human is a lot of work and yes, sleep when the baby does. No one died of the laundry bin being overloaded. Your iron levels will be checked and if they’re low, take Ferrum Phos with any iron supplement and Take This by Lianne Alka C to help with absorption. 

Ok back to baby – let’s talk about things that keep them up at night. Gassiness, sore bum, itchy skin, teething, diarrhea, constipation and hunger. This can be at any age during the first year, or even after that, so not only in the newborn stage. 

Gassiness comes from too much bad bacteria or that they’re reacting to formula, breast milk or their own food. Contrary to popular opinion, sugar does affect a baby who had antibiotics during any time of their life, or while breastfeeding mom has taken them too. Or mom during pregnancy actually. Thrush can show up or gassiness. Probiotics are key here. I can’t tell you how many times probiotics clear up so many issues. Including skin issues – eczema and bum rashes that are red all over and as it heals it leaves dots behind. That’s a yeast rash. 


Constipation, diarrhea


Introducing allergenic foods – yes it has to happen early, like before one year of age. Start with the easy foods, and most healing, and fibre rich foods. I go through all of this in my books, but a shortened version is to give meat broth first. That’s the most healing food that has the tastebuds having a dance party. So here’s where to start – meat broth first, made of meat and bones and give all the fat that comes from it. It helps health the leaky gut that all babies are born with. Then a couple of weeks of about three different fruits or veggies, I love butternut squash first. It creates a taste explosion and makes for good, sweet smelling poops! 

A brief word on my Hybrid method of feeding your baby is that the Baby Led Weaning and puree can go together. Having the experience of finger foods like steamed broccoli with broc puree means that the taste and nutrients are getting in while the experience of holding food and munching on it with gums is happening. 

Alright, there you have some of the key things that I know parent’s have the most challenges with. Share this with anyone who has just had a baby or is pregnant, or with a grandparent so they can get up to speed with what’s going on that’s new and different. Trends change and move on, and we all need to keep up with the times, so that the parent can learn as they go along with support, not push back because it’s not how your parents did it with you. It’s the new parents turn to figure it out, and if the advice won’t be received directly from you, then buy them my book Sprout Right Family Food, and you’ll be the rockstar instead of the nag. 

Was this helpful? Do you want more of a particular topic? Reach out on social media and through sites and let us know your burning questions. 

Thanks for tuning in as always, and I’ll sign off with please remember to eat one mouthful at a time. 

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