EP 7 – Eat This: Is Sugar Evil?

Are you an addicted, got-to-have-it kinda person when it comes to sugary and sweet foods? Do you look at others who bypass the chocolates, donuts, and cakes wondering how on earth they don’t stop and stuff their face, because that’s just what you want to do? As humans, don’t we have this innate need for sugar?

In This episode… we discuss SUGAR and how there is a disconnect between what the brain knows and what your body tells you it wants!

The 56 Most Common Names for Sugar (taken from healthline.com)

  1. Sugar/Sucrose
  2. High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
  3. Agave Nectar
  4. Beet sugar
  5. Blackstrap molasses
  6. Brown sugar
  7. Buttered syrup
  8. Cane juice crystals
  9. Cane sugar
  10. Caramel
  11. Carob syrup
  12. Castor sugar
  13. Coconut sugar
  14. Confectioner’s sugar (powdered sugar)
  15. Date sugar
  16. Demerara sugar
  17. Evaporated cane juice
  18. Florida crystals
  19. Fruit juice
  20. Fruit juice concentrate
  21. Golden sugar
  22. Golden syrup
  23. Grape sugar
  24. Honey
  25. Icing sugar
  26. Invert sugar
  27. Maple syrup
  28. Molasses
  29. Muscovado sugar
  30. Panela sugar
  31. Raw sugar
  32. Refiner’s syrup
  33. Sorghum syrup
  34. Sucanat
  35. Treacle sugar
  36. Turbinado sugar
  37. Yellow sugar
  38. Barley malt
  39. Brown rice syrup
  40. Corn syrup
  41. Corn syrup solids
  42. Dextrin
  43. Dextrose
  44. Diastatic malt
  45. Ethyl maltol
  46. Glucose
  47. Glucose solids
  48. Lactose
  49. Malt syrup
  50. Maltodextrin
  51. Maltose
  52. Rice syrup
  53. Crystalline fructose
  54. Fructose
  55. D-ribose
  56. Galactose

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