When have you felt happy about your body image and your weight? Has it happened or is there always a side glance as you pass a mirror and catch a glimpse of yourself and the unkind thoughts start running through your head; suck in your belly, ug look at your bum, gotta tone up those legs, check out those bat-wings … the list goes on, and on. So much negative self talk happens in that glimpse, and things that you’d never say to another is what you’re telling yourself.
Sadly body image and body dysmorphia happens early – and for both boys and girls, who then grow to men and women, often still having the same ticker tape running through their minds as they look at themselves at various stages of their life. Weight goes up and down, and as we get older, it tends to stay up because our metabolism that’s partly driven by your muscle mass decreases as you age, even if you’re still out running a few times a week. So what can you do?
What kind of exercise is going to keep your weight stable? How can you lose what you don’t want on your body right now? I think I have a simple answer for you … and my guest this week is going to help us with some how-to’s and help not only women going through menopause, but you men out there who also need a boot in the butt to get you off the couch and sort out those achy knees and hips.
So today on EAT THIS with Lianne, Samantha Monpetit-Huyhn joins us once again to talk about strength, balance and exercise as how-to’s for weight loss.
After last week’s episode 83, when we heard from Robert J. Davis about Supersized Lies and all the tremendous research that he put into his new book, I thought we needed some more how-to. I’m about five to seven pounds over my ideal weight at the moment and I know why. A lack of exercise. Funny story – when I lived in England weight is talked about in stones – 14 lbs is a stone. So losing half a stone – which doesn’t sound that hard does it, would be great. But what I’d actually prefer is to feel stronger. Over the past months, I’ve gotten out of my routine of walking as much, my almost daily yoga practice and throwing in a workout with weights a couple of times a week, well it’s not happening. And you know what the side effect of that is? I don’t feel strong. While I like to fit into my clothes well and not have bulges over the top of my pants or shorts, I really do feel my best when I feel strong–my muscles are toned, doing a quick sprint to the corner or up the stairs is a breeze and doesn’t have me out of breath fast. I’m out of shape. There I said it. I manage my eating and so my weight with intermittent fasting and eating mostly paleo and while I could feel better half a stone lighter, I know that the overall benefits of hitting the gym, or rowing class, or going for a run, will do my body a lot more benefit.
What I do want to drill down on though, is the physical AND emotional aspects of exercise and the benefit of weight loss. To do this, the first person who I thought of is a colleague and friend who has been in the business for YEARS. I want to know how to be strong on the outside, but also that inside strength of self-esteem is a foundational strength too. So please join me in welcoming Samantha Montpetit-Huynh the founder of SamCoreTrainer, and the creator of the Strong Body Strong Core Academy – the most comprehensive online health management program available, for women 40+.
For almost 20 years, Samantha has been helping women and mothers through all stages of life, feel good from pregnancy, postpartum, menopause and beyond.
Ok, I don’t know about you, but I’m totally motivated to sit down at my office desk chair in a squat. I need more hand/arm strength. I live in a condo so I have to carry all my groceries and bags up to the 22nd floor. I love how Sam brought strength down to what we do every day. I’ve watched her videos of how to move around the kitchen and house while incorporating strength training. I’m 50 years and I will always remember Dr B telling me that I need to now exercise EVERY DAY. And he echoed the strength training too.
We all need this, right? Our metabolism on fire burning all that we eat – makes those cheat days that I talked about in episode 82 more balanced, right?
What do you do for exercise? What will this change in what you usually do. I’m not going to focus on getting out for a run, nope. I’m going to dust off my 10lb weights and have the arnica on hand for my sore muscles as I start to work them. Oh and the Magnesium Bis-Glycinate too. All muscles need it. My favourite recovery drink is Kid Boost and Glutamaine powder, so find those on SproutRight.com.
Reach out on social media … and let me know what’s on your mind, what questions you have. Rate and subscribe to EAT THIS with Lianne. Share with someone you know needs to hear this and the other episodes.
Sam’s links are on liannephillipson.com and as always, please remember to eat this one mouthful at a time.
Samantha is a serial entrepreneur, speaker, teacher, mentor, course creator and co-author of Pregnancy Fitness. She is known extensively in her field of fitness, health and personal training and has appeared on multiple media outlets from print, podcasts and television. She is also currently one of the resident fitness experts on the Marilyn Denis Show, a Canadian national award winning lifestyle television show.
Samantha Montpetit-Huynh is the mother of two beautiful girls and the founder of SamCoreTrainer. She is the creator of the Strong Body Strong Core Academy; the most comprehensive online health management program available, for women 40+.
For almost 20 years, Samantha has been helping women and mothers through all stages of life, feel good from pregnancy, postpartum, menopause and beyond.
Samantha is a serial entrepreneur, speaker, teacher, mentor, course creator and co-author of Pregnancy Fitness. She is known extensively in her field of fitness, health and personal training and has appeared on multiple media outlets from print, podcasts and television. She is also currently one of the resident fitness experts on the Marilyn Denis Show, a Canadian national award winning lifestyle television show.