Weight Loss

Diets, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast, Weight Loss

EP 119 – Eat This: Why can’t I lose weight?

With apps out there that help you to hack your metabolism, claiming to help you “watch your weight come off”, is there anyone that actually believes that such a thing is possible. Getting ripped, beach body and bikini ready makes me cringe. Not only is there such potential for body dysmorphia and no one ever being happy with their size and shape, but seeing headlines like that certainly don’t help things. There are “commercial” diet […]

Blog, Family Nutrition, health, nutrition, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 83 – Eat This: Supersized Lies

So you’re not happy with your weight. Many aren’t so that conversation is extremely common. How many diets have you put yourself on, tried in earnest, only to find that you go back to your default way of eating and the weight creeps back on? There are health implications that come with obesity, fat deposited around the middle–that muffin top, a high fat to muscle ratio and numbers staring back at you when you step […]

Blog, Diets, Food, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 70 – Eat This: The Healthiest Diet

When everything is taken into account, the average adult will try about 126 different diets in their lifetime, according to a poll that I came across recently. That’s a lot of diets, or specific ways of eating with the hopes of reaching a goal weight, as that seems to be the number one reason for putting oneself on a crash diet. And by crash diet I mean a diet that’s far from your usual. I’m […]

Blog, Food, Mood, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 69 – Eat This: Food Rules for Rebels

 What does living a healthy lifestyle mean exactly? It’s a bit of an opened ended question, isn’t it? Does it mean you go for a run every day? Do regular yoga and meditation? Do you feel like you tick the healthy box when you eat your greens or have enough fibre? Where would self-care fit? Or 8 hours of sleep? A rather specific point of all of this healthy living stuff is to feel good. […]

Blog, Energy, Plant-Based Diet, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 68 – Eat This: Protein Powder

Picture this: walking the aisle of a supermarket, health food store, supplement shop or even big box store in the protein powder section. I just felt your energy constrict at the mere thought of scanning what’s on offer, weighing up the claims and promises and then crossing everything that you’re choosing the right one amidst the downright confusion. Those massive tubs of muscle-building, weight-loss-promising, be-healthy-faster powders can not only break the bank, but be a […]

Diets, Energy, Food, Hydration, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 55 – Eat This: Drainage vs Detox

The meaning of the word detoxify, according to Merrium Webster, is to “remove a harmful substance (such as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such and to render (a harmful substance) harmless.” In my circles, a detox is usually seen more as removing foods and drinks from your daily diet for a period of time with the view that it will cleanse your body. What’s interesting is that when someone puts themselves on […]

Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Podcast, Weight Loss

EP 29 – Eat This: Body Image

Picture this: you walk past the bedroom mirror and catch a glimpse of your fine self out of the corner of your eye. But rather than saying, “Hey there good looking,” the negative self-talk begins: Look at my bum in those jeans, what were you thinking? Or Ugh, I’ve got to do something about my belly. Or maybe it’s, I look so tired, my skin is blah, my hair is a mess, look at how […]

Diets, Energy, Food, Hydration, Podcast, Weight Loss

EP 25 – Eat This: Self-Care and Mindful Eating

Mindful eating. What does that mean exactly? And how does that apply to food and eating? This week we’re continuing with the theme of self-care and food, taking a look at a concrete strategy you can actually put into practice by the end of this episode. I’m going to tell you all about the practice of mindful and even meditative eating—something that’s kind of new for me too and that I work on every day—and […]