
Blog, Diets, Energy, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 104 – Eat This: Your Mental Health

Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, substance abuse, self harm, eating disorders, OCD and more are the mental health issues that are the norm in many people’s lives – in fact according to the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, otherwise known as CAMH say that in any given year, 1 in 5 Canadians experiences a mental illness or addiction problem. And by the time Canadians reach 40 years of age, 1 in 2 have—or have […]

Blog, Energy, health, Mood, stress, Technology

EP 99 – Eat This: Red Light Therapy

I’m guilty. Yep, this Black Friday I got sucked into a social media post I saw of a colleague, and all that she found amazing about a particular product. I clicked through, saw the benefits and within about 15 minutes made a purchase. Ever done that? Or maybe a better question is, have you done that and NOT regretted it? No buyers remorse from me on my purchase, but I’ve come to realize that I […]

Blog, health, stress

EP 91 – Eat This: TMJ

What is the most important nutrient that we need for a long and healthy life? I’m going to say that you’re not going to get it, but I’m going to circle back to answer that shortly. If your mouth or jaw hurts, how do you think that’s going to affect how and what you eat? If you’re in pain all the time, that means that your adrenal glands are responding to pain seen as stress. […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 88 – Eat This: The Vagus Nerve – Part 2

The Vagus Nerve – why are we talking about this and not now to navigate Las Vegas with good food and drink? Well, because I want to introduce you to what I believe you need to know more about, to take control of your health. All too often I see clients who don’t realize that they can feel better and what they’ve been dealing with healthwise that’s slowing them down, causing pain or not allowing them […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 86 – Eat This: The Vagus Nerve

Despite my willingness to always be learning something new, there are times when I need to hear something, or be hit over the head with it a few times before I get into it. Well that has happened over the past few months. In speaking with someone about the mental health challenges that one of my daughters has been having over the past year, the term Polyvagal Theory came up. It was suggested to look […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 72 – Eat This: Burnout – Adrenal Failure

We talk about stress like it’s a fact of life these days, and unless you’re living on a desert island with someone fanning you all day, bringing you food and drinks with umbrellas, you’re likely experiencing stress on a daily basis. What happens when it goes on and on and becomes chronic and you just can’t get off the stress merry-go-round? Burnout happens, that’s what. Does that mean that you can’t get out of bed […]