
Food, Podcast, Trends

EP 4 – Eat This: Food Fads and Trends

In the age of Instagram, the next big food fad or trend might be determined more by the way it looks rather than the way it tastes. Over the years, food fads have often been influenced by what’s happening in the world around us. In this episode, Lianne is joined by reluctant ‘foodie’ and radio host Jerry Agar (Newstalk 1010, Toronto) to look at and chat about food trends from the past and present, to […]

Food, Podcast, Recipes

EP 3 – Eat This: ADHD

Dr Tim Bilkey, a physician specializing in the assessment and treatment of adult Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), joins Lianne Phillipson to help shed light on how food and supplements can help both children as well as Adults who live with ADHD and ADD build a better, more focused world around them. Lianne’s new TAKE THIS supplement line includes a great omega-3 supplement. Check out Omega Boost at sproutright.com. Rainbow Rice Wraps Dairy, Egg, Gluten, Nut […]


EP 1 – Eat This: The Keto Diet

Registered Nutritionist Lianne Phillipson talks about the The Keto Diet. Is it healthy? Or dangerous?! Her special guest is Dr. Stephanie Estima, an expert in metabolism and body composition. Get Dr. Estima’s recipe for Sauerkraut Latkes and Sauteed Spinach.


Introducing EAT THIS with Lianne Phillipson

Put your best fork forward, one mouthful at a time with the EAT THIS podcast. Lianne, a Registered Nutritionist, will keep you up to date with what’s going on in the world that has overwhelming and conflicting information, including the newest food fads, food trends, diets and ways of eating. [twocol_one] [button link=”https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/eat-this-with-lianne/id1491977477″ bg_color=”#9bccbc” window=”yes”]Listen on Apple Podcasts[/button] [/twocol_one][twocol_one_last] [button link=”https://open.spotify.com/show/1ofDqBPs9cAAdJoC7FdBKw” bg_color=”#9bccbc” window=”yes”]Listen on Spotify[/button] [/twocol_one_last]