Plant-Based Diet

Blog, Energy, Plant-Based Diet, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 68 – Eat This: Protein Powder

Picture this: walking the aisle of a supermarket, health food store, supplement shop or even big box store in the protein powder section. I just felt your energy constrict at the mere thought of scanning what’s on offer, weighing up the claims and promises and then crossing everything that you’re choosing the right one amidst the downright confusion. Those massive tubs of muscle-building, weight-loss-promising, be-healthy-faster powders can not only break the bank, but be a […]

Family Nutrition, Plant-Based Diet, Podcast, Trends

EP 47 – Eat This: Plant-Based Milks

Have you noticed how much the dairy aisle has changed? Gone are the days of the bags and cartons of only dairy milk, now goat milk is a staple as well as an abundance of milk that comes from plants. How can that be? Isn’t the most nutritious white stuff supposed to come from a cow or some other animal? I mean we even have buffalo milk cheese for goodness sake. That’s got to have […]

Plant-Based Diet, Podcast, Trends

EP 42 – Eat This: Superfoods

Do you think that there is one food that does it all? You know, all the things that us nutritionists talk about… gives energy, vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols, fats, prebiotics, probiotics, it will prevent disease, pain, and make you impervious to viruses? Or is the claim of SUPERFOOD all marketing hype to get you to part with your hard earned dollars and buy the most expensive berries, or latest product that gives it […]

Food, Plant-Based Diet, Podcast, Trends

EP 9 – Eat This: Food and Nutrition MYTHS

All fats are bad for you… Milk makes your bones strong… You must eat meat for protein… Margarine is better than butter… Myths, myths, myths… The list is long and so, so wrong. But what’s right? What can you believe? On this episode of EAT THIS… Food and Nutrition MYTHS… Busted!!! Looking for the vitamin C supplement that Lianne mentioned? Check out TAKE THIS Alka C on

Plant-Based Diet, Podcast

EP 5 – Eat This: Why Eat More Plants?

You’ve heard it said by me and other health experts…”…eat more fruits and vegetables, every day…” Yes, it’s easier to grab and go…a bagel, muffin, croissant, or a coffee to give you a spring in your step. But it’s like pumping normal gas in a Ferrari. It’ll go but performance, speed and function won’t hit its full potential. In this episode, my goal is NOT to turn you into a vegetarian or vegan, it’s to […]

Blog, Diets, Plant-Based Diet

The Pegan Diet Q&A

The basics of the Pegan diet The Pegan diet is a combination of the paleo or caveman diet and veganism. If that sounds like opposites diets colliding, it is. Those on the Paleo diet eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and meat. They avoid dairy, grains, sugar, legumes, most vegetable oils, salt, alcohol and coffee. Vegans focus on plant-based foods and avoid all animal products and byproducts, including eggs, dairy and honey. The Pegan diet consists […]

Blog, Food, Plant-Based Diet, Radio

Is it more expensive to follow the new Canada Food Guide? Here are 8 ways not to break the bank.

Is it more expensive to follow the new Canada Food Guide? I’ve got 8 ways to make the most of your fruits and veggies. According to a comparison of the old guide versus the new guide, done by the Agrifood Analytics Lab at Dalhousie, “the average family of four will save 6.8 percent – or about $1.90 a day – with the new guide” – said an article in The Globe and Mail.  While that […]

Blog, Diets, Plant-Based Diet, Weight Loss

Best Diets for 2019

Here we are, at the beginning of yet another year. Does it feel like a fresh start for you? It does for me! A new year is a clean slate as we put behind all that happened in 2018. Well, that which you’d rather leave in the past, that is! Forgive all wrongdoings and look towards a more positive future. Do you make resolutions still? How’s that working for you? I think it’s likely not. […]