
Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, health, Hydration, nutrition, Podcast

EP 87 – Eat This: In case you missed it…

I can’t believe that we’re almost at 90 episodes of EAT THIS with Lianne! That’s A LOT of information about working toward a healthier you. Did you catch it all? Well in case you missed a few, this week we’re recapping some of our favourite episodes to give you a little taste of each. From episode 79: Men’s Health, we’ll hear from Dr. Davis Brockenshire on how a dependency on alcohol affects your body and […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 86 – Eat This: The Vagus Nerve

Despite my willingness to always be learning something new, there are times when I need to hear something, or be hit over the head with it a few times before I get into it. Well that has happened over the past few months. In speaking with someone about the mental health challenges that one of my daughters has been having over the past year, the term Polyvagal Theory came up. It was suggested to look […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 85 – Eat This: Sleep and why you can’t get a good night of it

There are times when topics come up once, and then you hear the same thing again, and again. Lately, I’ve had that experience with different people talking about sleep. And not always that they’ve had a good night of it. Clients who have had issues of late, but also for years. There are people who have never slept well in their lives, and others who go through spells of not sleeping well. I’ve talked before […]

Blog, Family Nutrition, health, nutrition, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 83 – Eat This: Supersized Lies

So you’re not happy with your weight. Many aren’t so that conversation is extremely common. How many diets have you put yourself on, tried in earnest, only to find that you go back to your default way of eating and the weight creeps back on? There are health implications that come with obesity, fat deposited around the middle–that muffin top, a high fat to muscle ratio and numbers staring back at you when you step […]

Diets, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast, Recipes

EP 82 – Eat This: Cheat Days

Have you ever signed yourself up for a CHEAT DAY? Or do you call it a treat day? Maybe your version is a cheat night, the week while you’re on holiday, or the month after you’ve done a cleanse or been on a restricted diet? It happens. There are varying degrees of discipline to any exercise or way of eating, and sometimes it’s easy to be super focused, and then that novelty wears off, but […]

Diets, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 81 – Eat This: Digestion, gas and poop

Digestion and toilet talk are generally not very gauche to strike a conversation about but it needs to be talked about. Before birth, while you’re swimming around in your mama’s womb you poop. And from your first breath onwards,you’re hopefully going to poop every day. What comes out of your body–down the poop shoot; whether solid, liquid or gas, tells a story of what’s going noto only within the digestive system but within your body. […]

Diets, Energy, Food, nutrition, Podcast

EP 80 – Eat This: Intermittent Fasting

When you hear the word fasting, do you equate it with feeling like crap and starving yourself for a period of time? I’m going to hazard a guess that you fast every single day, and have done for the whole of your life. That time between your last meal and breakfast, is a fast. In case you didn’t break the word down, BREAK – FAST is called that because we break our overnight fast with […]

Energy, Food, health, Hydration, nutrition, Podcast

EP 78 – Eat This: What do I do every day?

You know when you look at someone and wonder what on earth they do with themselves, because you’re looking to do better? Well that happens with clients, listeners, followers and friends. Being asked what I’m doing has been a constant throughout my career and I’m more than happy to share. Along with wanting to be inspired, I’m also asked how-to. In the midst of our busy lives, there has to be a way to do […]