
Blog, Diets, Energy, Food, Gluten, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 156 – Eat This: Mighty Macros and More!

The podcast and radio show is called EAT THIS with Lianne. While I incorporate food into each episode, topics of late like sauna and cold plunge, meditation, listening to yourself, mental health, and other broader health topics that relate to food, I felt like we hadn’t had a focused discussion about the food that’s on your plate in a while. Sure, knowing how to stabilize your blood sugar with a glucose monitor that Chris and […]

Blog, Energy, Food, Hydration, nutrition, Podcast

EP 149 – Eat This: The Answers to your Questions

We all have questions, or maybe I’m projecting that and it’s just me that constantly wants to do a deep dive into things that can positively or negatively affect our health. But as you’re here, I’m guessing that you have questions and want answers. The interesting thing is when you don’t know to ask a question but are fascinated by the answer. Well, you might find that happening today as I answer questions that my […]

Family Nutrition, health, Hydration, nutrition, Podcast, Recipes

EP 148 – Eat This: Making clean and healthy drinks

What is in your glass, your cup or mug is under more scrutiny of late. Headlines, reports, and guidelines could instigate a change in your liquid consumption behaviour, if you feel inclined – I guess it would depend on what it is and how much it affects your life. A recent headline I came across asked if I’d like “Some plastics with your tea?” It was from a reputable source, in a report from McGill […]

Blog, Energy, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast

EP 147 – Eat This: Metabolic Flexibility

If you’ve been here before, welcome back if you’re new, welcome! As we record this, it’s the beginning of January 2023, and here we go with EAT THIS with Lianne into yet another year. Chris and I have been at this since mid-2019 and are up to almost 150 episodes and have an incredible following of Lovely Loyal Listeners, who I have come to learn call themselves LLL’s.  A quick intro to myself for those […]

Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 146 – Eat This: Best “Bites” of 2022

A year has 365 days, 52 weeks and 8760 hours which works out to 525600 minutes. While it feels like a lot of time, in many ways coming to the end of another year has felt like 2022 has been the speediest yet. You know the predictions that come out at the end of the year, crystal ball-ing what’s to come for us, a couple of predictions for 2022 according to Forbes magazine included that […]

Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Hydration, nutrition, Podcast

EP 145 – Eat This: 7 ways to make it through the holidays

The holiday season is upon us, and no matter where you are in the world, what you celebrate, this time of year comes with mixed emotions of excitement, and even dread, but overall more stress than other months in the year. The gatherings bring more boozy drinks, foods that may not be the healthiest options and rushing around with the time crunch to get all the gifts, and get all the stuff done on time. […]

Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 144 – Eat This: Colds, flus and viruses

It started with a few sneezes. A drippy nose where if a tissue wasn’t to hand, it was an embarrassing situation of a literally runny nose. The next day my energy started to dwindle. Later, body aches started to creep in. I thought it was a cold up until the all night cough-a-thon happened. I was almost like a cuckoo clock chiming on the hour, I’d wake up and cough until exhaustion and then fall […]

Blog, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 142 – Eat This: Real Mushrooms

At times there are fads, trends, and must-tries that fly around the internet and social media and come up in conversations with friends and colleagues. Remember the Unicorn craze, followed by charcoal in everything –  Black ice cream, lattes, burger buns, bagels, and waffles. Let’s be clear, that kind of trend isn’t one that truly up levels your health, and thank goodness it hasn’t stuck around. Healthy efforts, ways, and supplements can go from your […]