
Energy, Family Nutrition, Mood, Podcast

EP 45 – Eat This: Probiotics and the Microbiome

Did you know that you’re more bacteria than human? It’s an odd thing to think about. Well it likely wouldn’t have popped into your mind as your next thought right?! And really it’s kind of ewwww at the same time. Can you believe that we are outnumbered ten-to-one, bacteria to human cells. And we live together in harmony, most of the time. This incredible abundance of bacteria has profound impacts on our body’s physiology. Everything […]

Energy, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 43 – Eat This: The Best Foods For Your Brain

Feeling blah, struggling to be up-beat and not sure where your happy side has gone? You’re not alone. Feeling unmotivated, wondering where your memory has gone, and that includes your mental health. What do you need less of and a lot more of to help the blues? That low, blah mood, mental health issues of depression and anxiety, feeling the blues, that inability to focus, feeling unmotivated in your day and actually remembering that your […]

Food, Gluten, Mood, Podcast

EP 34 – Eat This: Brain health, brain fog and memory

Being the most complicated organism in the universe, it holds all the power of our body and allows us to speak, imagine and problem solve, it controls our body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. It accepts floods of information about the world around us through hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touch. It lets you think, dream, reason and experience emotions. Every physical movement from rubbing your eye, to blinking, waking, and talking is […]

Diets, Energy, Hydration, Mood, Podcast

EP 30 – Eat This: How alcohol affects your body health

Have you ever said it’s five o’clock somewhere as you pour yourself a glass of wine? Well, sometimes people do this because they just feel like they need it to exhale. You need a drink in that moment. And somehow it feels like it’s going to save the day. Or maybe just your sanity in that moment. I think there are times when we all get to that place. Sometimes, for other people, it’s multiple […]

Energy, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 24 – Eat This: Self Care With Food

Is eating really a form of self-care? And how can we use food to slow down and appreciate what we have? You’ve seen the social media post declaring that stressed spelled backwards is desserts so that makes eating all the treats a form of self-care somehow right… right?! I tell you to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day and that’s good for your mind and body, but what about that TV commercial […]

Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 13 – Eat This: Self Isolation, Eating and Snacking

We are in an intense time of uncertainty, fear and worry and it’s worldwide. How are you? This isn’t easy an easy time to be in with all the change from the normal day of getting up, going to work and coming home. Kids being home all day and family members all around you without much space is likely grating on your nerves left, right and centre. So many emotions to navigate: loneliness, sadness, anger, […]

Blog, Diets, Mood, Online, Radio

Food and Diet for Mental Health

Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are the norm in many people’s lives. Health situations like an irregular thyroid, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, low dopamine or serotonin, and digestive imbalance can all affect mood and mental health. But often we don’t consider the diet and food as an influencing factor. Let’s look at a typical diet – you’re eating mostly good food, some take out and craving something sweet in the afternoon and evening. Doesn’t […]

Blog, Energy, Food, Mood, Weight Loss

5-Day Challenge to Ditch the Holiday Eating Habits

I get it. The holidays took over although you had the best of intentions. Or maybe you just thought you’d go for it and deal with the consequences come January 1st.  Either way, here we are. It’s time.  Let’s do this, together. You’re not alone.  While I’m well aware that it takes 21 days to change or create a habit, starting with 5 days seems a lot less painful. Don’t you agree? After you’ve followed […]