
Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 88 – Eat This: The Vagus Nerve – Part 2

The Vagus Nerve – why are we talking about this and not now to navigate Las Vegas with good food and drink? Well, because I want to introduce you to what I believe you need to know more about, to take control of your health. All too often I see clients who don’t realize that they can feel better and what they’ve been dealing with healthwise that’s slowing them down, causing pain or not allowing them […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 86 – Eat This: The Vagus Nerve

Despite my willingness to always be learning something new, there are times when I need to hear something, or be hit over the head with it a few times before I get into it. Well that has happened over the past few months. In speaking with someone about the mental health challenges that one of my daughters has been having over the past year, the term Polyvagal Theory came up. It was suggested to look […]

Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast

EP 77 – Eat This: Energy

Energy is defined as the “strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity”. Well, that’s the definition to do with health of course. Energy can feel like seeing an oasis in a desert at times, where you wish you could get there—feel it, experience it and then live it, man your life could be all singing, all dancing if you just had more energy. There are different types of energy; physical energy, that […]

Blog, Food, Mood, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 69 – Eat This: Food Rules for Rebels

 What does living a healthy lifestyle mean exactly? It’s a bit of an opened ended question, isn’t it? Does it mean you go for a run every day? Do regular yoga and meditation? Do you feel like you tick the healthy box when you eat your greens or have enough fibre? Where would self-care fit? Or 8 hours of sleep? A rather specific point of all of this healthy living stuff is to feel good. […]

Blog, Energy, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 60 – Eat This: All About Menopause

Menopause, and a more common term that you’ll hear these days – perimenopause – sum up what’s dauntingly known as “the change” in a woman’s life. It typically happens anywhere from her forties onwards – for some even earlier, and for some it comes later. I think it’s a bit like breastfeeding in that this is supposed to be a natural part of life, but “natural” doesn’t speak to how uncomfortable, difficult and painful it […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 59 – Eat This: Vitamin D And Its Magic

Unless you’re living in a dark cave without sunlight and an undiagnosed situation of osteoporosis, you’ve heard of vitamin D and its importance for strong bones and teeth, and more recently, the potential impact on improving immunity. Of course, it’s best known as the vitamin to prevent rickets in children and the often bowed leg photos are from third world countries that have plenty of sunshine, so what’s up with that? There’s often a lag […]

Mood, Podcast, Technology, Trends

EP 54 – Eat This: Demystifying CBD and Your Health

Could we have a magic natural remedy in our midst? Well, the benefits of the distinct five leaf marijuana plant are not new – some say it’s been used since 750 BC in various ways. But the health benefits of CBD in particular are becoming more well known as research unfolds around what looks like magical powers for this non-psychoactive component of the marijuana or hemp plant. Sure, the uses of marijuana have been around […]

Energy, Food, Mood, Podcast, Trends

EP 51 – Eat This: Goals, Intentions and Habits

Doesn’t the new year feel like it brings a clean slate and a reset to all that has happened in the past? You’ve seen the tag lines… New Year, New YOU, right? Most people that I’ve talked to feel like the clock striking midnight on Jan 1st does feel like a reset of sorts. And depending on how the previous year went, sometimes it’s good riddance and other times you don’t want the goodness to […]