
Blog, Diets, Mood, Online, Radio

Food and Diet for Mental Health

Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are the norm in many people’s lives. Health situations like an irregular thyroid, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, low dopamine or serotonin, and digestive imbalance can all affect mood and mental health. But often we don’t consider the diet and food as an influencing factor. Let’s look at a typical diet – you’re eating mostly good food, some take out and craving something sweet in the afternoon and evening. Doesn’t […]

Blog, Online, Radio, Trends

Could what you add to your coffee be a health buzz-kill?

How do you take your coffee? With milk, cream, bulletproof style with MCT or coconut oil and butter or ghee? While there continues to be what feels like weekly studies saying that coffee is healthy and then not, what you add to your coffee could be the heath clincher. There are some foods whose healthful benefits are constantly debated. They include coffee, chocolate, tea and red wine. Let’s talk about their positive health aspects for […]

Blog, Family Nutrition, Online, Radio

Eat This: Bread

What’s your best daily (wheat) bread? Now, I don’t generally eat bread, and most of the time not bread that contains wheat. It makes me bloated, gassy and tired. I figured that out a long time ago and my diet has evolved to excluding most bread. When I do have bread, I choose well. Bread is such a well-loved and consumed food. Very often, I find that I’m asking clients to take a bit of […]

Blog, Online, Radio

EAT THIS For Post-Workout Fueling

Raise your hand if you’ve committed to going back to the gym or exercise class or have switched up your program. *mine’s up* Yep, along with a whole bunch of other people who are on the other side of drinking and eating too much, your jeans feel like they shrunk in the wash or you are lacking in strength and stamina. Changing up your workout from running to more strength training, or boxing to weights […]

Media, Online

Lianne Online

Lianne is a prominent influencer in Canada’s digital media scene and is often consulted on articles for online publication. In addition to writing regularly for the Sprout Right blog, she has written articles for,, and Read Nutrition and the Baby Blues on