
Blog, health, Hormones, Podcast, stress

EP 172 – 8 Physiological Causes of Anxiety: A Deep Dive with Dr. Shawna Darou

Do you find yourself lying awake at night, pondering the uncertainties of the days ahead? Whether it’s the anticipation of starting a new job, a forthcoming trip, or even just planning out your next week, this underlying sense of dread can disrupt your daily life. However, is this anxiety? The short answer: not always. Anxiety is a medical term that refers to a range of mental health disorders with moderate to severe anxiety as a […]

Blog, health, Hormones, Podcast

EP 152 – Eat This: Hormones, perimenopause, libido, and more …

Hot flashes that start as a light full body warming sensation and then move on a full-on red-in-the-face dewy and glistening situation both during the day along with night sweats that drench the sheets, leading to throwing the duvet off for a minute, then feeling chilled after. Headaches and migraines that are not touched by any medication can last as long as a week. Rapid weight gain, but especially around the middle, often called a […]