
Energy, Family Nutrition, health, Hydration, nutrition, Podcast

EP 145 – Eat This: 7 ways to make it through the holidays

The holiday season is upon us, and no matter where you are in the world, what you celebrate, this time of year comes with mixed emotions of excitement, and even dread, but overall more stress than other months in the year. The gatherings bring more boozy drinks, foods that may not be the healthiest options and rushing around with the time crunch to get all the gifts, and get all the stuff done on time. […]

Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 144 – Eat This: Colds, flus and viruses

It started with a few sneezes. A drippy nose where if a tissue wasn’t to hand, it was an embarrassing situation of a literally runny nose. The next day my energy started to dwindle. Later, body aches started to creep in. I thought it was a cold up until the all night cough-a-thon happened. I was almost like a cuckoo clock chiming on the hour, I’d wake up and cough until exhaustion and then fall […]

Blog, Family Nutrition, Food, health, Podcast

EP 143 – Eat This: Blood Sugar Balance

There’s an unseen roller coaster that many of us are on each and every day. Some, ok most, of us are on the world’s one, and you know that what comes up will always come down. What am I really talking about? Blood sugar. If you haven’t heard the blood sugar balance, hypoglycemia, or hyperglycemia, you’re not alone. What you can likely identify with though is feeling moody; happy enough one moment, then low or […]

Blog, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 142 – Eat This: Real Mushrooms

At times there are fads, trends, and must-tries that fly around the internet and social media and come up in conversations with friends and colleagues. Remember the Unicorn craze, followed by charcoal in everything –  Black ice cream, lattes, burger buns, bagels, and waffles. Let’s be clear, that kind of trend isn’t one that truly up levels your health, and thank goodness it hasn’t stuck around. Healthy efforts, ways, and supplements can go from your […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 141 – Eat This: Resilience

When was the last time that you were driving and someone cut you off at the last second at a light, or you were walking on the sidewalk and a biker whizzed by you, interrupting your peaceful walk and just pissed you right off to the point of being off about it for the rest of the day, or for even longer? I think I can speak for all of us shit happens, and when […]

Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 140 – Eat This: A fresh perspective on organic, growth and food trends

Where do you choose to spend your grocery or food budget? If you’ve listened to this podcast and show before, you’ll know that I’m an avid weekly market goer, and I LOVE knowing where my food comes from. I’m inspired by the same foods everyone else buys and more so by the rare foods finds that aren’t found at the typical big box supermarket and speaking with the humans who are involved in farming in […]

Blog, health, nutrition, Podcast, stress, Trends

EP 139 – Eat This: what is Ayurveda?

In the field of medicine, as well as doctors, specialists, and hospital acute care, there are an array of alternative and complementary medical practices. You are here listening to me talk about nutrition – that’s an alternative or complementary practice further to the medicine model–Hippocrates did say “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food” after all– and there are a number of Traditional alternative medicine practices that take a holistic approach – […]

Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast, Recipes

EP 138 – Eat This: Immunity and reducing inflammation

Sneezes, coughs, droopy and tired looking eyes are all signs that some sort of infection has taken hold of your body. It doesn’t feel good, it slows you down, makes you stop when you don’t want to – or take medicines so you can keep going, but there’s no denying it, being sick sucks. What is it about the couch, blanket, comfort food and the TV remote that we gravitate towards, as opposed to doing […]