
Blog, Diets, Energy, Food, Gluten, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 156 – Eat This: Mighty Macros and More!

The podcast and radio show is called EAT THIS with Lianne. While I incorporate food into each episode, topics of late like sauna and cold plunge, meditation, listening to yourself, mental health, and other broader health topics that relate to food, I felt like we hadn’t had a focused discussion about the food that’s on your plate in a while. Sure, knowing how to stabilize your blood sugar with a glucose monitor that Chris and […]

Blog, Diets, Food, Gluten, Podcast, Trends

EP 56 – Eat This: Don’t ditch the carbs, switch the carbs

Few foods can make you feel as warm and happy as a big bowl of pasta or a few thick slices of warm bread smothered in creamy butter. Carbs are life for so many people. The mere thought of giving up bread, pasta or pizza (or the sweeter carbs like cookies or donuts) sends them into a tailspin.  Carbohydrates – or carbs, as they are fondly known – come in a bunch of tastes, textures, […]

Food, Gluten, Mood, Podcast

EP 34 – Eat This: Brain health, brain fog and memory

Being the most complicated organism in the universe, it holds all the power of our body and allows us to speak, imagine and problem solve, it controls our body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. It accepts floods of information about the world around us through hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touch. It lets you think, dream, reason and experience emotions. Every physical movement from rubbing your eye, to blinking, waking, and talking is […]

Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Gluten, Podcast

EP 32 – Eat This: The root causes of overweight

Obese, overweight, corpulent, pudgy, fat, heavy, plump, stout, well-padded, paunchy, beefy, pear shaped or heavy hips, apple shaped or rotund, beer belly, thunder thighs, big butt, thick waist and now the Quarentine 15 are all terms for carrying excess weight that could mean you’re not feeling so great about yourself when you step on the scale or put on anything other than your stretchy-non-waist-buttoned-leisure wear.  If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard […]

Blog, Family Nutrition, Gluten

Should Your Family Go Gluten Free?

Some of my friends think I’m extreme when it comes to my diet. I can handle that. I can’t recommend any type of diet to my clients until I’ve tried it out for myself and see the results.   Wheat free, gluten free, sugar and dairy free, vegan, vegetarian, raw, high carbs, low or no carbs—I’ve tried them all and know how easy or hard it is to follow. Once I had children, I realized […]