
Blog, Energy, Food, Mood, Weight Loss

5-Day Challenge to Ditch the Holiday Eating Habits

I get it. The holidays took over although you had the best of intentions. Or maybe you just thought you’d go for it and deal with the consequences come January 1st.  Either way, here we are. It’s time.  Let’s do this, together. You’re not alone.  While I’m well aware that it takes 21 days to change or create a habit, starting with 5 days seems a lot less painful. Don’t you agree? After you’ve followed […]

Blog, Energy, Food

Healthful Snacks Can Reduce the Feeling of Fatigue

Studies come out all the time, sometimes proving what I feel is a given. But the fact that they’re being done means that the theory needs to be proven. This headline caught my eye this past week: “Healthful snacks can reduce the feeling of fatigue”  My nutritionist’s brain says, um, yea. My self-brain, who often doesn’t get enough sleep, and has been known to go for something fast and more on the sweet-side, says, um […]

Blog, Energy, Food, Media, Radio

At Work and Tired

Diet plays a huge part in both the quality of your sleep and your energy when awake. With three quarters of the work force in Canada saying that they are tired while at work, it’s time to do something different. Like a roller coaster ride, blood sugar highs and lows plague the majority of our work force. Is it because of a bad night’s sleep or because of the food that’s eaten during the day? […]