
Consultations, Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Podcast

EP 27 – Eat This: Totally Useful Nutrition

Last week we featured Totally Useless Food information with my downright hilarious guests Nick and Roy, and I loved what they shared. Their random facts and trivia about stuff even I wasn’t prepared for brought some much-needed levity to the podcast airwaves along with some pretty big laughs about all the crazy things they presented. But this week we’re going to do the opposite: totally useful and slightly random foods. Some facts you can actually […]

Diets, Energy, Food, Podcast

EP 26 – Eat This: Totally Useless Nutrition

Today you’re in for a real fun ride in this episode! And to change things up and keep it all real and interesting, this week it’s time for a different type of self-care medicine: LAUGHTER! While the past two weeks of focusing on self-care, mindful, meditative, and even orgasmic eating, we also need to stay fresh like those recently picked summertime strawberries that I’ve bought at the farmers market the past two weeks!  Sidebar: If […]

Diets, Energy, Food, Hydration, Podcast, Weight Loss

EP 25 – Eat This: Self-Care and Mindful Eating

Mindful eating. What does that mean exactly? And how does that apply to food and eating? This week we’re continuing with the theme of self-care and food, taking a look at a concrete strategy you can actually put into practice by the end of this episode. I’m going to tell you all about the practice of mindful and even meditative eating—something that’s kind of new for me too and that I work on every day—and […]

Energy, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 24 – Eat This: Self Care With Food

Is eating really a form of self-care? And how can we use food to slow down and appreciate what we have? You’ve seen the social media post declaring that stressed spelled backwards is desserts so that makes eating all the treats a form of self-care somehow right… right?! I tell you to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day and that’s good for your mind and body, but what about that TV commercial […]

Energy, Food, Podcast

EP 19 – Eat This: Food for Good Sleep

Do you wake up excited when you’ve slept through the night? Or maybe get your rush from thinking that you’re able to function on 4 hours a night? Countless times I’ve heard it said that you can “sleep when you’re dead” so carry on partying, drinking, staying up late and “LIVING”. However, according to the experts, that’s rather unwise advice. What I’ve dug up about sleep for this episode might show you that sleep, next […]

Energy, Podcast

EP 12 – Eat This: Hangry?

Have you been on an early morning flight and the person behind you is either kneeing the back of your seat or messing with their tray table, and all you want to do is turn around and scream at ‘em or better yet, smack ‘em upside the head? Or you’re walking down the street and someone is in front of you hogging the sidewalk and you’d like for a lightning bolt to knock ‘em down […]

Energy, Food, Podcast, Weight Loss

EP 7 – Eat This: Is Sugar Evil?

Are you an addicted, got-to-have-it kinda person when it comes to sugary and sweet foods? Do you look at others who bypass the chocolates, donuts, and cakes wondering how on earth they don’t stop and stuff their face, because that’s just what you want to do? As humans, don’t we have this innate need for sugar? In This episode… we discuss SUGAR and how there is a disconnect between what the brain knows and what […]

Energy, Food, Podcast

EP 6 – Eat This: Surviving Stress

Is your job throwing more balls at you than you can juggle? Are you feeling the burn of a family schedule that makes you run from one thing to the next? You may not be able to change the workload… You may not be able to change everything you feel is best for your family… but you can choose how you navigate it all and of course what you put onto your fork and into […]