
Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 72 – Eat This: Burnout – Adrenal Failure

We talk about stress like it’s a fact of life these days, and unless you’re living on a desert island with someone fanning you all day, bringing you food and drinks with umbrellas, you’re likely experiencing stress on a daily basis. What happens when it goes on and on and becomes chronic and you just can’t get off the stress merry-go-round? Burnout happens, that’s what. Does that mean that you can’t get out of bed […]

Blog, Energy, Plant-Based Diet, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 68 – Eat This: Protein Powder

Picture this: walking the aisle of a supermarket, health food store, supplement shop or even big box store in the protein powder section. I just felt your energy constrict at the mere thought of scanning what’s on offer, weighing up the claims and promises and then crossing everything that you’re choosing the right one amidst the downright confusion. Those massive tubs of muscle-building, weight-loss-promising, be-healthy-faster powders can not only break the bank, but be a […]

Blog, Energy, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 60 – Eat This: All About Menopause

Menopause, and a more common term that you’ll hear these days – perimenopause – sum up what’s dauntingly known as “the change” in a woman’s life. It typically happens anywhere from her forties onwards – for some even earlier, and for some it comes later. I think it’s a bit like breastfeeding in that this is supposed to be a natural part of life, but “natural” doesn’t speak to how uncomfortable, difficult and painful it […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 59 – Eat This: Vitamin D And Its Magic

Unless you’re living in a dark cave without sunlight and an undiagnosed situation of osteoporosis, you’ve heard of vitamin D and its importance for strong bones and teeth, and more recently, the potential impact on improving immunity. Of course, it’s best known as the vitamin to prevent rickets in children and the often bowed leg photos are from third world countries that have plenty of sunshine, so what’s up with that? There’s often a lag […]

Blog, Energy, Hydration, Podcast

EP 58 – Eat This: What’s not to love about tea?

Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world – next to water, that is. Answer this: if you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I’d likely say water, but I might get bored of it, so I’ll agree with some of the great functional medicine docs out there and say tea. Tea can vary the taste of what’s in your cup but with some […]

Diets, Energy, Food, Hydration, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 55 – Eat This: Drainage vs Detox

The meaning of the word detoxify, according to Merrium Webster, is to “remove a harmful substance (such as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such and to render (a harmful substance) harmless.” In my circles, a detox is usually seen more as removing foods and drinks from your daily diet for a period of time with the view that it will cleanse your body. What’s interesting is that when someone puts themselves on […]

Calories, Energy, Food, Hydration, Podcast, Trends

EP 53 – Eat This: Coffee – The good, the bad and the best of

Is that morning cup of joe, rocket fuel or java your morning or afternoon lifeblood? Coffee is a complex and yet simple one to take a deep dive into. With coffee shops on every corner, a menu a mile long with all the extras like whip, frap, foam, one or two pumps of flavour and toppings, buying a coffee can not only break the bank, but almost put your pancreas into a sugar coma if […]

Calories, Diets, Energy, Food, Podcast

EP 52 – Eat This: Are all calories equal?

Stepped on the scale lately? If it’s showing you a number that isn’t to your liking, what’s your first thought? Most likely – eat less? It is January after all. It’s that time when we are all more focused on making a change to diet and lifestyle and perhaps, like my mom used to say, a time to “button your lip”, meaning that she wasn’t happy with her weight and so it was time to […]