
Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 141 – Eat This: Resilience

When was the last time that you were driving and someone cut you off at the last second at a light, or you were walking on the sidewalk and a biker whizzed by you, interrupting your peaceful walk and just pissed you right off to the point of being off about it for the rest of the day, or for even longer? I think I can speak for all of us shit happens, and when […]

Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 135 – Eat This: How, why, and what of finding quality supplements

As you’re here, I’m going to guess that you’ve had the experience of going into a supplement store, or health food store and you either have an idea of what you’re after, or you ask someone for help choosing a supplement for your symptoms. You get a recommendation out of the five to 10 options of one B complex, glucosamine, or turmeric because you’ve heard that it’s going to cure what ails you at the […]

Energy, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 133 – Eat This: Senescence- Is this the answer to antiaging?

There’s this process that we have going on within us, whether we know it or not – it’s the process of aging and growing old. Aging gracefully, and keeping our body, our minds, memory, and brain health optimized is key to doing this getting old thing as well as humanly possible. There’s a term to do with longevity, and aging that I hadn’t heard of before, which of course has led me to do a […]

Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast, Trends

EP 128 – Eat This: Eat for your mitochondria

Nourishing your mitochondria isn’t likely your first thought as you open your eyes in the morning. And yet, the energy, the thought, the movement that follows waking up, all take energy produced within each and every cell in your body. You know that I love to do a deep dive on this show and podcast, and truly, I’m not sure if we could go deeper than the structures in the cell that make energy by […]

Energy, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast

EP 126 – Eat This: Light and energy

Think about how much time you’ve spent outside today, or even this week and how much of it was naked? Likely none of the latter, but seriously, being indoors for the majority of the day; in the office, in the car, in transit, inside your home and having just gone through two years of a pandemic, there were possibly more who were outside going for a walk, but equally so many who didn’t get out […]

Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 125 – Eat This: Biohacking

The term ‘hacking’ likely doesn’t fill you with a warm and fuzzy feeling, but more of an uh oh about what part of your life you’re about to lose to the hacker. Then there’s hacks that make life easier; something quick and speedy like breakfast, lunch or dinner hack. Hacks to get yourself or kids in bed. The list goes on to infinity with shortcuts to make life easier. There’s another hacking phenomenon going on […]

Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

Ep 120 – Eat This: Change your behaviour to feel better

There are incremental steps and choices made that we’ve all taken in our life that have us in the place that we are at right here and now. Some have led to hugely successful and positive outcomes, and some the polar opposite that look like failure and breakdown. Then there’s the middle of the road outcomes like the day to day that are somewhere in the middle. Sometimes there are great things happening for us […]

Blog, Energy, health, Podcast, stress

EP 117 – Eat This: Are you sitting down?

Are you sitting down? I’m not asking because I have bad news to share, but that the position that you’re in right now as you sit could seriously be hampering your healthy efforts. The time that we now spend sitting; at a desk, driving, watching TV, scrolling on the phone, sitting on a bus or train, or even on a plane, well anywhere else you can sit, is actually detrimental to our health. With sitting […]