
Diets, Energy, Food, Podcast

EP 26 – Eat This: Totally Useless Nutrition

Today you’re in for a real fun ride in this episode! And to change things up and keep it all real and interesting, this week it’s time for a different type of self-care medicine: LAUGHTER! While the past two weeks of focusing on self-care, mindful, meditative, and even orgasmic eating, we also need to stay fresh like those recently picked summertime strawberries that I’ve bought at the farmers market the past two weeks!  Sidebar: If […]

Diets, Energy, Food, Hydration, Podcast, Weight Loss

EP 25 – Eat This: Self-Care and Mindful Eating

Mindful eating. What does that mean exactly? And how does that apply to food and eating? This week we’re continuing with the theme of self-care and food, taking a look at a concrete strategy you can actually put into practice by the end of this episode. I’m going to tell you all about the practice of mindful and even meditative eating—something that’s kind of new for me too and that I work on every day—and […]

Blog, Diets, Radio

Is there a Brewery in your Belly? You might have Auto-Brewery Syndrome

Auto-brewery syndrome, or gut fermentation syndrome, is a rare condition in which fungi in the gut rapidly convert carbohydrates into alcohol. Yes, your gut is acting as a brewery. But how? More on that shortly.  While people who have auto-brewery syndrome may have high blood alcohol levels after ingesting a small quantity of alcohol or even no alcohol at all so it can cause the same physical and psychological symptoms that occur when a person […]

Blog, Diets, Mood, Online, Radio

Food and Diet for Mental Health

Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are the norm in many people’s lives. Health situations like an irregular thyroid, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, low dopamine or serotonin, and digestive imbalance can all affect mood and mental health. But often we don’t consider the diet and food as an influencing factor. Let’s look at a typical diet – you’re eating mostly good food, some take out and craving something sweet in the afternoon and evening. Doesn’t […]

Blog, Diets, Plant-Based Diet

The Pegan Diet Q&A

The basics of the Pegan diet The Pegan diet is a combination of the paleo or caveman diet and veganism. If that sounds like opposites diets colliding, it is. Those on the Paleo diet eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and meat. They avoid dairy, grains, sugar, legumes, most vegetable oils, salt, alcohol and coffee. Vegans focus on plant-based foods and avoid all animal products and byproducts, including eggs, dairy and honey. The Pegan diet consists […]

Blog, Diets, Plant-Based Diet, Weight Loss

Best Diets for 2019

Here we are, at the beginning of yet another year. Does it feel like a fresh start for you? It does for me! A new year is a clean slate as we put behind all that happened in 2018. Well, that which you’d rather leave in the past, that is! Forgive all wrongdoings and look towards a more positive future. Do you make resolutions still? How’s that working for you? I think it’s likely not. […]

Blog, Diets, Media, Radio, Weight Loss

Diets of 2017 – What’s Effective and Sustainable

There are so many diets out there and there has been a round out of the diets of 2017 in the news lately, so I thought I’d break them down into what’s effective and sustainable. Whole30 This diet is a 30-day program with NO deviations. Once you’re on it, you can’t cheat even with a lick, otherwise, you break the healing cycle of resetting your body of any food, skin or seasonal allergies. Cutting out […]