
Diets, Family Nutrition, Podcast

EP 38 – Eat This: Symptoms of deficiency (Part 2)

Burning, bloating, belching, burping, and bumps. That’s what we are going to talk about today. Last week, I talked about deficiencies to do with your mouth and feet and in this episode we are going to talk about your belly and about the bumps that you can feel on backs of your arms, sometimes your legs and abdomen or bottom. Because, believe it or not there are nutrient deficiencies associated with them all.   For anyone […]

Diets, Family Nutrition, Food, Podcast

EP 33 – Eat This: Q&A

One day a long time ago… ok about 12 years ago, a registered nutritionist first appeared on a local breakfast TV show, whizzing up homemade baby food live on air. It wasn’t a fluke to be there, it was a publicist who came up with the idea, pitched it and secured the spot. This publicist just so happened to have a beautiful baby boy, who was about to start eating solids, and his mom needed […]

Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Gluten, Podcast

EP 32 – Eat This: The root causes of overweight

Obese, overweight, corpulent, pudgy, fat, heavy, plump, stout, well-padded, paunchy, beefy, pear shaped or heavy hips, apple shaped or rotund, beer belly, thunder thighs, big butt, thick waist and now the Quarentine 15 are all terms for carrying excess weight that could mean you’re not feeling so great about yourself when you step on the scale or put on anything other than your stretchy-non-waist-buttoned-leisure wear.  If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard […]

Consultations, Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Podcast

EP 31 – Eat This: Seasonal Eating

‘Tis the season to eat in season! Think about your last meal: what vegetables were on your plate? How many miles do you think that it traveled to get there? How long ago was it picked, harvested, or stored before it made it to your meal? And what did that distance do to the invisible life force, the qi (chi), the prana or energy of that food? I’m going to go out on a limb […]

Diets, Energy, Hydration, Mood, Podcast

EP 30 – Eat This: How alcohol affects your body health

Have you ever said it’s five o’clock somewhere as you pour yourself a glass of wine? Well, sometimes people do this because they just feel like they need it to exhale. You need a drink in that moment. And somehow it feels like it’s going to save the day. Or maybe just your sanity in that moment. I think there are times when we all get to that place. Sometimes, for other people, it’s multiple […]

Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Podcast, Weight Loss

EP 29 – Eat This: Body Image

Picture this: you walk past the bedroom mirror and catch a glimpse of your fine self out of the corner of your eye. But rather than saying, “Hey there good looking,” the negative self-talk begins: Look at my bum in those jeans, what were you thinking? Or Ugh, I’ve got to do something about my belly. Or maybe it’s, I look so tired, my skin is blah, my hair is a mess, look at how […]

Consultations, Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Podcast

EP 28 – Eat This: Intuitive Eating

Are we in a diet culture? Have you ever told someone “you’ve lost weight, you look great!” Or, as you justify eating your favourite treat, “I’m having a cheat day”? Well, believe it or not, that speaks to our diet culture more about weight loss than anything else. Experts say diet culture is a belief system that values, weight, shape, and size over well-being. Really it’s about the rigid eating patterns of dieting that sound […]

Consultations, Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Podcast

EP 27 – Eat This: Totally Useful Nutrition

Last week we featured Totally Useless Food information with my downright hilarious guests Nick and Roy, and I loved what they shared. Their random facts and trivia about stuff even I wasn’t prepared for brought some much-needed levity to the podcast airwaves along with some pretty big laughs about all the crazy things they presented. But this week we’re going to do the opposite: totally useful and slightly random foods. Some facts you can actually […]