
Diets, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast, Recipes

EP 82 – Eat This: Cheat Days

Have you ever signed yourself up for a CHEAT DAY? Or do you call it a treat day? Maybe your version is a cheat night, the week while you’re on holiday, or the month after you’ve done a cleanse or been on a restricted diet? It happens. There are varying degrees of discipline to any exercise or way of eating, and sometimes it’s easy to be super focused, and then that novelty wears off, but […]

Diets, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 81 – Eat This: Digestion, gas and poop

Digestion and toilet talk are generally not very gauche to strike a conversation about but it needs to be talked about. Before birth, while you’re swimming around in your mama’s womb you poop. And from your first breath onwards,you’re hopefully going to poop every day. What comes out of your body–down the poop shoot; whether solid, liquid or gas, tells a story of what’s going noto only within the digestive system but within your body. […]

Diets, Energy, Food, nutrition, Podcast

EP 80 – Eat This: Intermittent Fasting

When you hear the word fasting, do you equate it with feeling like crap and starving yourself for a period of time? I’m going to hazard a guess that you fast every single day, and have done for the whole of your life. That time between your last meal and breakfast, is a fast. In case you didn’t break the word down, BREAK – FAST is called that because we break our overnight fast with […]

Blog, Diets, Food, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 70 – Eat This: The Healthiest Diet

When everything is taken into account, the average adult will try about 126 different diets in their lifetime, according to a poll that I came across recently. That’s a lot of diets, or specific ways of eating with the hopes of reaching a goal weight, as that seems to be the number one reason for putting oneself on a crash diet. And by crash diet I mean a diet that’s far from your usual. I’m […]

Diets, Food, Podcast, Trends

EP 66 – Eat This: Paleo, Pegan or Lectin Free

Headline-inducing, outta-a-book type diets are attractive because they tell you what to eat and what not to eat with big promises of helping you feel better, look better, end your pain, help you lose weight, dodge the disease bullet and live a long and healthy life. The list of top 10 diets can change from year to year, with a new one hitting media headlines depending on which celeb has followed it with life changing […]

Blog, Diets, Food, Gluten, Podcast, Trends

EP 56 – Eat This: Don’t ditch the carbs, switch the carbs

Few foods can make you feel as warm and happy as a big bowl of pasta or a few thick slices of warm bread smothered in creamy butter. Carbs are life for so many people. The mere thought of giving up bread, pasta or pizza (or the sweeter carbs like cookies or donuts) sends them into a tailspin.  Carbohydrates – or carbs, as they are fondly known – come in a bunch of tastes, textures, […]

Diets, Energy, Food, Hydration, Podcast, Trends, Weight Loss

EP 55 – Eat This: Drainage vs Detox

The meaning of the word detoxify, according to Merrium Webster, is to “remove a harmful substance (such as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such and to render (a harmful substance) harmless.” In my circles, a detox is usually seen more as removing foods and drinks from your daily diet for a period of time with the view that it will cleanse your body. What’s interesting is that when someone puts themselves on […]

Calories, Diets, Energy, Food, Podcast

EP 52 – Eat This: Are all calories equal?

Stepped on the scale lately? If it’s showing you a number that isn’t to your liking, what’s your first thought? Most likely – eat less? It is January after all. It’s that time when we are all more focused on making a change to diet and lifestyle and perhaps, like my mom used to say, a time to “button your lip”, meaning that she wasn’t happy with her weight and so it was time to […]