
Blog, Consultations, Diets, Energy, Family Nutrition, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 111 – Eat This: DNA Test Results

We go through life being tested; tests at school, driving tests, health checks and blood tests, and some of the results of many of these tests can be life-changing, would you agree? Well at the beginning of 2022, I voluntarily submitted my spit – yes I filled the tube to the line with a bunch of watery saliva that ranks up there as the easiest bio-fluid to extract and use for DNA testing. This isn’t […]

Blog, Diets, Energy, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 110 – Eat This: FAQ from you

Questions, we all have them and sometimes the answers just lead to more questions. Ever googled something you needed to know and ended up down some rabbit hole that you can’t quite get back out of? A click here and there and you might just end up with answers to questions that you didn’t even know to ask. Then there’s Dr Google, who has all the answers to all of your ailments and sends you […]

Blog, Diets, Family Nutrition, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 109 – Eat This: Take This, but why?

The word supplement means something that completes or enhances something else when added to it. Drilling down on what a dietary supplement is, good ol’ Merriam tells us that a product taken orally that contains one or more ingredients (such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one’s diet and are not considered food. Digging down into the net worth of the supplement industry shows numbers from 1.5 billion British Pounds in […]

Blog, Diets, Energy, health, Mood, nutrition, Podcast, stress

EP 104 – Eat This: Your Mental Health

Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, substance abuse, self harm, eating disorders, OCD and more are the mental health issues that are the norm in many people’s lives – in fact according to the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, otherwise known as CAMH say that in any given year, 1 in 5 Canadians experiences a mental illness or addiction problem. And by the time Canadians reach 40 years of age, 1 in 2 have—or have […]

Blog, Diets, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 98 – Eat This: FODMAP

Have you ever come across an acronym that you just couldn’t figure out? A colleague at work shared with me that he had just learned what LMAO stood for. How about diets? Sure there’s the DASH diet (dietary approach to stopping hypertension), the GAPS diet or gut and psychology diet, but what about the FODMAP diet? Ever heard of that one? Well on the heels of episode 97, all about candida, fungus and yeast, I […]

Blog, Diets, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast

EP 93 – Eat This: The worst ingredients

Reading the label of any packaged food can look like it needs a chemistry degree. I’d hazard a guess that if you do turn over the box or crunchy plastic bag of what you’re wanting to know more about, and see sodium benzoate, or carrageenan or even artificial flavouring tartrazine not knowing exactly what it means doesn’t lead to you putting it back on the shelf … or does it? Why isn’t the whole label […]

Blog, Diets, Family Nutrition, Food, health, nutrition, Podcast, Recipes

EP 89 – Eat This: Why bother with breakfast?

The alarm clock goes off, you get up, out of bed and what unfolds next? Shower, workout, meditation, hot water and lemon, coffee is a no brainer for most, then I’m sure checking your phone for updates falls in there somewhere, but then what about breakfast? You’ve had it ingrained in us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and yet there are people who don’t eat breakfast ever, or they don’t […]

Blog, Diets, Energy, health, Podcast

EP 84 – Eat This: Strength and balance to a better YOU

When have you felt happy about your body image and your weight? Has it happened or is there always a side glance as you pass a mirror and catch a glimpse of yourself and the unkind thoughts start running through your head; suck in your belly, ug look at your bum, gotta tone up those legs, check out those bat-wings … the list goes on, and on. So much negative self talk happens in that […]