Author: Lianne

Blog, Podcast

EP 64 – Eat This: Anti-Aging

When you hear anti-aging, what image pops into your mind? A smooth, youthful, face with no wrinkles? A person and body without disease? A sound and clear mind without dementia? No aches and pains either as you get out of bed or during the day? Or how about anti-aging meaning that you live a vibrant, healthy and energy filled life for as long as you live? The perspective of what anti-aging means is unique to […]

Family Nutrition, Food, Podcast, Trends

EP 63 – Eat This: A2 Milk

As I walk through my local natural supermarket, I often take a more leisurely stroll through the aisles to check out what’s new and different. I too get sucked in by marketing, labels saying this and that and then if it grabs me, I read the label more carefully and either choose to bring it home with me, or put it back on the shelf and chalk it up to nice try guys. One time […]

Blog, Food, Podcast

EP 62 – Eat This: Acne

Comedones, pustules, inflamed follicular papules, whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, pizza-face (so bad), what the Brits eloquently call spots, and my kids call them zits. No matter what you call the most common of all skin disorders, acne can be painful, uncomfortable, some sufferers might say unsightly. The harm to self-image, self-esteem and self-confidence is real and can scar for life not only what we see on the outside, but also on the emotional stress and even […]

Family Nutrition, Hydration, Podcast

EP 61 – Eat This: H₂0

Water is essential to life because of our big bag of hairy self – we are made of 60% water. Sure, you drink your however many glasses a day, and then you pee some out, lose some through your skin, breath, stool and all that can’t be out of balance with what’s going in, or you become dehydrated. Water and hydrated tissues help your body keep a normal body temperature, lubricate and cushion joints, protect […]

Blog, Energy, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 60 – Eat This: All About Menopause

Menopause, and a more common term that you’ll hear these days – perimenopause – sum up what’s dauntingly known as “the change” in a woman’s life. It typically happens anywhere from her forties onwards – for some even earlier, and for some it comes later. I think it’s a bit like breastfeeding in that this is supposed to be a natural part of life, but “natural” doesn’t speak to how uncomfortable, difficult and painful it […]

Blog, Energy, Family Nutrition, Food, Mood, Podcast

EP 59 – Eat This: Vitamin D And Its Magic

Unless you’re living in a dark cave without sunlight and an undiagnosed situation of osteoporosis, you’ve heard of vitamin D and its importance for strong bones and teeth, and more recently, the potential impact on improving immunity. Of course, it’s best known as the vitamin to prevent rickets in children and the often bowed leg photos are from third world countries that have plenty of sunshine, so what’s up with that? There’s often a lag […]

Blog, Energy, Hydration, Podcast

EP 58 – Eat This: What’s not to love about tea?

Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world – next to water, that is. Answer this: if you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I’d likely say water, but I might get bored of it, so I’ll agree with some of the great functional medicine docs out there and say tea. Tea can vary the taste of what’s in your cup but with some […]

Blog, Calories, Food, Podcast

EP 57 – Eat This: FAT!

Fats, oils and even butter have got a rap over the years and , no go away thing going on with us humans. And my guess is that the bad rap that of fat, that includes cooking or baking with oils, smashing avocado on your morning or lunchtime toast and slathering butter anything came from the “FAT-FREE” 80’s and that lead to our demise of this once revered staple being an essential part of our […]